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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

welcome to Infor


Contact Person: Raj Prudvi

Address: Hyderabad

Hyderabad , Telangana , India -



Email: rajprudvi50@gmail.com



It is a water park. It can entertain both adult and children.

Fort Grand

Destination weddings can be so much simpler to plan and execute than close to home weddings.This may seem counter intuitive since it can be very difficult to orchestrate an event long distance, but it actually is easier to plan a wedding at a distant destination. The reason it is simpler is that many destinations have pre-designed wedding packages that are created by professional wedding planners. Fort Grand is by far the best wedding destination in India if you want to make your wedding a magnificent one. We serve delectable cuisines and make all your celebrations completely stress free for you. We become a part of your celebration at every step of the way. Our Events Team will customize your occasions to suit your precise requirements.

Escape Water Park

Escape water park is a ideal theme park to visit with family and friends. The park has attractions for all ages. It provides a lot of water rides that are quite adventurous and exciting.A fascinating world of adventure which are offered here, catering to both adults and kids. Games such as family slide, Mini aqua trailers, Tilt bucket, Mushroom Umbrella, Float slide and Pendulum and adventures like muilty activity net,river crossing, ladder climbing, burma bridge and rope bridge etc. are just a few of the choices that will keep you happy throughout your day at Escape Water Park.


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